Saturday, October 12, 2013

You are being tracked.

I found this article on New York Times titled "A Senator Raises Privacy Questions About Cross-Device Marketing" written by Cain Miller. The article speaks of how a lawmaker had requested the Federal Trade Commission to investigate online advertisement companies that track consumers across devices.

After reading this article, a lot of concerns sprouted for me personally as a content user. I identify that technology allows us to connect and have access to contents, but where can we draw the line of privacy intrusion? Market surveys in the form of advertisements are often used by many online shops, but how can we differentiate that it is strictly for business and not to profile users virtually? FCC controls or tracks our usage via the internet and phone lines. Will advertisers eventually collaborate with FCC to tap into mobile services to advertise?

Another concern that sprouted from this article is that, do we truly own our rights to privacy with the swift propagation of technology?

New York Times Article

Posted By: Mila DeChant

1 comment:

  1. I think you raise a valid concern. Privacy rights are complex these days with all the devices we use and the opportunity it presents for companies to profile u. Where do we draw the line? What rights do we have as content users? It's complicated.
