Friday, October 4, 2013


I recently went to the movies to check out the movie that recently came out, obviously named "Prisoners". This movie was absolutely spectacular in every aspect ranging from the plot to the series of events that unfold throughout the movie. I'm not going to say too much about the plot of the movie so I don't ruin it for others, but I do want to talk about what an amazing piece of art it is. I believe they had a great cast, Hugh Jackman is always an amazing actor in any action movie, this one particularly I think he did a great job at making every little nuance of his body language echo that of a hurting, angry, revengeful father. Terrance Howard and Jake Gyllenhaal both also have very deep, very interesting parts in the story plot, and they both do an incredible job at showing what it's really like to be dealing with kidnapping victims and kidnapping police experts. If you're really into suspense movies, then this is a must.

One aspect of this movie that I found most interesting is how the it shows what real monsters people can become when they're put into incredible and frightening situations. Whether you're a strong minded family man, or already have a little bit of crazy in you, the fragility of the human mind to intensely emotional and dramatic situations is ever present.

So if you're the type of person that's in to suspense filled action movies with a great cast of characters and a plot twist or two to boot, then this is the movie for your weekend. I've also attached a link to the International Movie Database's entry for this movie so you could all check it out. Enjoy!

Posted by: Chad Garbers

1 comment:

  1. Good review. My younger son works at Marcus Theaters and told me this was a good movie, but he didn't have quite the vivid language and details that you offer in this review. I'm putting this one on my list of must-see movies.
