Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kayla Slaughter

The government has shutdown! According to the Washington Post, the shutdown will not last long or cause serious damage to our economy. The only way the shutdown can cause problems is if it last for weeks. The shutdown was implemented so the house and senate can be forced to make a decision on the budget. There are a few services that will be disrupted by the shutdown, here are a few:

Health:  The National Institutes of Health will stop accepting new patients for clinical research and stop answering hotline calls about medical questions

Housing: The Department of Housing and Urban Development will not be able to provide local housing authorities with additional money for housing vouchers.

Social Security: The Social Security Administration will retain enough staff to make sure the checks keep going out. But the agency wont have enough employees to do things like help recipients replace their benefit cards or schedule new hearings for disability cases.

Woman, Infant, and Children: The Department of Agriculture will cut off support for the Woman, Infant and Children program, which helps pregnant women and new moms buy healthy food and provides nutritional information and health care referrals

That's all i know, hope that helps.

1 comment:

  1. Nice account of the shutdown and the ramifications for everyday citizens.
