Monday, October 28, 2013

Who is the ObamaCare Cover Girl?

Obama put out an add for ObamaCare in which there was a young girl to the right of the ad.  Twitter and other media outlets began writing awful things about the girl: forcing her face to be removed from the ad.  Her personal information would not be given out, but her name is believed to be Adriana.  Many Americans are upset with the new policy, so instead of attacking the real problem they attacked a potentially fake girl.

It is suspected that her photo is actually a compilation of many faces.  Real or not, Adriana's face was replaced with four ways in which Americans can sign up or receive information about the new policy.

I believe that her identity should continue to be protected (in the event that she is real).  America, should we be attacking the girl or the policy?

-Madison Dillard


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