Monday, October 7, 2013

Hate Crimes in Racine

This morning I was reading the Journal Times and found an article of a 17 year old girl who has been harassing her gay neighbors. She has been yelling anti-gay slurs to them, throwing her trash on their lawn, and even threw a rock at their car and shattered the window. This has been going on for weeks, and finally the cops were able to step in and do something about this. She will even be charged as an adult, despite only being 17.
You can read the full article here:

I personally think this girl is too young and naive to form such a strong opinion without experiencing much of life. Hate crimes are wrong in general, and becoming an epidemic in recent years and have caused many suicides throughout the United States. With law enforcement stepping down and educating the public, I think that we can help reduce these occurrences.

- Dana Mrazek

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