Saturday, October 12, 2013

University of Wisconsin- Parkside Student Body Leaders Fight For Shared Governance

Somers - Parkside Student Government advocates for shared governance with campus administrators. The recently elected student body leaders, President Sepanski, Vice President DeChant, and Speaker of the Senate Beth, shared in a recent press conference that they are strongly advocating for shared governance.

"We want students to be educated on where their student dollars are going", shared Speaker Beth.

"I have been with PSG since my freshman year, and I have seen administration try to strong arm the students. This is a public state university, and students pay segregated fees. They should have a say in how the campus is run", expressed President Sepanski.

"This semester, we as an Executive board are committed to establishing treaties that acknowledge that students have equal rights to policies, and governance. We are bringing awareness to students on how they have the voice to change campus life", expressed Vice President DeChant.

"We urge all students to attend weekly PSG meetings on Mondays at noon and weekly Student Life Committee meetings on Mondays at 5 p.m", expressed President Sepanski.

P.S. I wanted to see if this is a good layout for speech stories. Hence, did a short interview with my colleagues to do this again.

Posted By: Mila DeChant

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