Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Girl Getting Expelled Over Natural Hair

Vanessa Van-Dyke, a 12 year old girl is getting expelled from her school over her natural hair...
She attends Orlando's Faith Christian Academy. She has had the same hairstyle for months now and has been getting bullied over her puffy and large hair for months.  Faculty at the schools is seemingly blaming Vanessa and threatening her enrollment in the Academy.  Vanessa likes her hair and to cut it off would be a loss of identity for her. The school is saying that her hair is a distraction...  Vanessa's mother made an interesting point.  She essentially asked why kids pimples were not considered a distraction?

I understand implementing rules but her hair was not a problem for months...and now she is facing expulsion.  Ridiculous.  

-Madison Dillard

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