Monday, November 11, 2013

What I learned during a News writing assignment

For our speech stories that we had due, I went to a local speech contest held in Racine, WI. My niece was one of the contestants, so I went with my family and also got a homework assignment out of it. The speech my niece gave was entitled, "Tomorrow's Promise." It gave examples of procrastination and what the listeners can do to help their procrastination. This, too, helped me as I am a huge procrastinator.
During her speech I listened closely, not only because I'm related to her, but because I also needed valuable information in order to write our speech stories. It was there that I realized all of the trials and tribulations reporters go through, especially covering a speech. Speeches go by so fast and it can be quite difficult to get quotes word for word, unless you're recording them.

Through our class, I have learned to pay special attention to details - whether it be how you’re writing with AP style, or how much you have to focus in order to get valuable information. I think going out and reporting on an actual story, as if we were real reporters, helped me truly understand what it takes to be a reporter.

- Dana Mrazek

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