Thursday, November 7, 2013

My experience in news writing!

During the course of this semester, we have learned about many different things! The inner workings of a newsroom, how to be a reporter, how to investigate a story, how to write in AP style, and how to pull your hair out in under 10 seconds while taking an AP style quiz for the fifth time! But the most interesting thing that I have learned during the course of this class was how much work goes into each and every newspaper written, all around the U.S. and the world! Starting from 6 A.M. when the editor is selecting what to post online, throughout the day with meetings to plan the day, planning stories, then more meetings, editing, retyping, more editing, then to be finalized with photos and graphics, and finishing with a second check to make sure it is ready for the morning. And oh to be the makeup editor, checking the wires for any late breaking news until 1 A.M. Oh the agony, oh the stress, oh woe is the life of a reporter/news writer and the whole team behind the scenes! Kudos to you!


Posted by: Chad Garbers

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