Monday, November 11, 2013

Comm. 255

Overall, I think it was a great idea to take this news writing course at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. After repeatedly taking the AP style quiz, I have come to realize that I am not as good of a writer as I thought. I learned when to capitalize certain words and when not to. I have also learned when to spell out numbers in a story and when to leave them as they stand. I hope by the time I am finished with this course I am a better writer than I was before taking the course. My favorite aspect of the class is being able to get feedback on our assignments before getting the final grade on them. I've never had the opportunity to have a system like that in the past. I think it is very helpful to have this system because it allows improvement to grow. This is how teaching should be done and I am privileged to be apart of this class.

Conor Geraghty

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