Monday, November 11, 2013

What I've learned from Newswriting Class

Tannette Elie's classroom is a whirlwind of power points, discussion, debate, nut grafs, leads, extra curricular meetings, and conversation, making it a little difficult to pick a favorite tid bit to write about for our blog. However, I'd have to say the most pertinent thing I've drawn from this class is a new style of writing.  I used to love to start my essays out with questions, it's a simple attention-getter and easy to think up; Ellie, on the other hand, makes us think up different, and more interesting leads.  I would scatter my facts and information through out my papers, where as now I choose to use a nut graf to sum it all up in a paragraph or so. It's helped me a lot in my speech class as well, helping me build strong thesis statements and organizing my main points clearly and concisely.  This class draws upon your current pool of knowledge on how to write a paper or short story, and helps you sharpen and refine it in ways I would have never thought or known of with out this class.  Bravo Tannette, Bravo.

Posted by: Cody Garbers

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