Thursday, November 7, 2013

Asteroid Strike!!

            Attack of the Asteroids!!

     I found a very interesting article that I thought would make a good blog post, I wrote an essay on this topic.

After a deadly asteroid exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia last year, a team of scientists led by Dr. Peter G. Brown of the journal Nature are now trying to figure out if the earth has become more vulnerable to these strikes.

      A hypothesis has been formed by scientists at the journal Nature that claim asteroid strikes could start occurring every ten years or so instead of every one hundred years. Brown, who is a Physics and Astronomy professor at University of Western Ontario, made a statement saying, “the prospect really makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable.”

      In a different study done by scientists at the journal Science, the asteroid strike in Russia was studied and protecting our planet has become an important topic. Defense options like deflecting asteroids away have been discussed as well as raising awareness.

       The United Nations has been involved with studying asteroids and they have come up with some options for the future that the General Assembly has taken into consideration. The first, an international asteroid warning system and the second, an attempt to seek space engineers that will develop asteroid deflecting technology. 

Keep looking for more articles in the newspaper and be sure to tune in to the New York Times for great articles.

~Matt J


  1. Interesting post. What does this mean for the planet? I hope there's not any danger in asteroids striking earth more frequently than in the past.

  2. NASA is in the process of passing a telescope project that will build a multi million dollar telescope. This will help detect asteroids in the future but because of the large cost, it's being discussed. Because of the lack of knowledge we have on smaller sized asteroids, there has been concern about asteroids striking earth more frequently, so more and more scientists are learning about what we can do to ready ourselves incase this happens.
