Monday, November 11, 2013

Comm. 255

I first enrolled in this course mainly because of interest, and that it was something I've never tried before. I'm a communication major and I thought this course looked a lot more interesting than taking another plain, composition course. I've always faired pretty good in comp. courses, so I was positive I'd succeed in this class.
Little did I know I knew almost nothing about news writing. Writing in AP style is a different world and I totally thought I was going to be lost. I struggled on the first writing assignment and was almost sure this semester was going to be a chore. Adjusting out of writing in the first person and including my personal opinion was the hardest thing to overcome. The AP style quiz was difficult and really showed me that I don't know as much as I thought I did, but I ended up learning a lot more after I took it.
I have now found and learned a whole new side of writing and I don't regret taking this class on bit. I'm continuing to learn more each week and I'm looking forward to see how I finish off this semester.

~Matt Tomaszewski~

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